Bartosz Zmarzlik - żużel, speedway
Published: 7.06.2023 | Author: Artur Kąciak

IV place in Prague FIM Speedway Grand Prix of Czech Republic

Bartosz Zmarzlik took fourth place in this year’s Grand Prix of the Czech Republic. Fans in Prague watched quite an interesting competition.

In the third race, Bartek lagged back at the start. Janowski made the best start and won. On the straight, Zmarzlik lost the fight to Bewley by two points. The last rider at the finishing line was Nilsson.

In the fifth run on the first bend, Bartosz Zmarzlik accelerated on the outside and already at the exit of the second bend of the first lap he was in the lead. Holder was trying to overtake him for a while, but in the end the Pole won his first victory in this competition. One point was scored by Vaculik, and Woffinden came last.

Run eleven was a textbook victory for the Pole. Bartek was best from the beginning and confidently scored the second three points in Prague. Behind him came Dudek, followed by Fricke and then Milik.

The sixteenth race did not go well for Bartek. He was lagging back at the start and finally managed to pass only Thomsen. Doyle scored two points and the winner was Lambert.

The eighteenth run was not much of a fight. Bartosz Zmarzlik made the best start from the pole position and scored three points for the third time in this tournament. On the straight, Lindgren lost the second place to Michelsen.

The second semi-final was very interesting; it ended with Madsen’s victory. Bartek fought off Lambert’s attacks for four laps. The Briton was overtaken by Lindgren on the final stretch. In the final the Pole had a poor start and despite a very ambitious ride, he came to the finishing line last. Vaculik won the competition. The second place in this event was taken by Madsen, and Holder landed on the lowest step of the podium.


1. Martin Vaculik (2,1,2,1,3,3,3) 15
2. Leon Madsen (2,2,3,3,0,3,2) 15
3. Jack Holder (1,2,1,3,3,2,1) 13
4. Bartosz Zmarzlik (1,3,3,1,3,2,0) 13
5. Daniel Bewley (2,3,3,3,2,1) 14
6. Fredrik Lindgren (1,3,3,1,1,1) 10
7. Patryk Dudek (3,1,2,1,2,0) 9
8. Robert Lambert (0,3,2,3,0,0) 8
9. Jason Doyle (0,2,1,2,3) 8
10. Maciej Janowski (3,2,0,2,1) 8
11. Max Fricke (3,1,1,2,1) 8
12. Mikkel Michelsen (2,0,0,2,2) 6
13. Anders Thomsen (1,0,2,0,2) 5
14. Tai Woffinden (3,0,1,0,w) 4
15. Kim Nilsson (0,1,0,0,0) 1
16. Vaclav Milik (0,0,0,0,1) 1

Heat after heat:

1. Woffinden, Michelsen, Thomsen, Milik
2. Dudek, Vaculik, Lindgren, Lampart 
3. Janowski, Bewley, Zmarzlik, Nilsson 
4. Fricke, Madsen, Holder, Doyle
5. Zmarzlik, Holder, Vaculik, Woffinden 
6. Lambert, Janowski, Fricke, Michelsen 
7. Lindgren, Doyle, Nilsson, Milik 
8. Bewley, Madsen, Dudek, Thomsen
9. Madsen, Lambert, Woffinden, Nilsson 
10. Bewley, Vaculik, Doyle, Michelsen 
11. Zmarzlik, Dudek, Fricke, Milik 
12. Lindgren, Thomsen, Holder, Janowski
13. Bewley, Fricke, Lindgren, Woffinden 
14. Holder, Thomsen, Dudek, Nilsson 
15. Madsen, Janowski, Vaculik, Milik
16. Lambert, Doyle, Zmarzlik, Thomsen
17. Doyle, Dudek, Janowski, Woffinden (u/w)
18. Zmarzlik, Michelsen, Lindgren, Madse 
19. Holder, Bewley, Milik, Lambert 
20. Vaculik, Thomsen, Fricke, Nilsson
21. Vaculik, Holder, Bewley, Dudek 
22. Madsen, Zmarzlik, Lindgren, Lambert
23. Vaculik, Madsen, Holder, Zmarzlik

Foto: Tomasz Przybylski

Coffee cup

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Hoodie Zmarzlik Team 2022

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T-shirt Zmarzlik Team 2023

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Mini Kevlar Gold 2022

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