Bartosz Zmarzlik - żużel, speedway
Published: 1.04.2024 | Author: Artur Kąciak

7th place in the Reall Final of the Golden Helmet Tournament – Jerzy Szczakiel Memorial

Bartosz Zmarzlik took seventh place in the Reall Final of the Golden Helmet Tournament – Jerzy Szczakiel Memorial in Opole. The speedway rider scored nine points in five starts.

In the third race, Bartek started very well from the first position. After the start, Bartłomiej Kowalski was second, but Dominik Kubera overtook him quite quickly. Mateusz Cierniak finished last in this heat.

Race six was not particularly spectacular. After a great start, Bartosz Smektała won, ahead of Zmarzlik and Przyjemski. Jarosław Hampel finished last.

However, the twelfth race was very interesting indeed. The winner was Przemysław Pawlicki, who led from start to finish. Along the track, Bartosz Zmarzlik defeated Maciej Janowski in a duel for two points. Bartek got even closer to Pawlicki, but he failed to overtake the competitor from Zielona Góra. Oskar Fajfer crossed the finishing line last.

Bartek started last in the fifteenth race. Along the track, he overtook Buczkowski, who was in third place. Despite his very ambitious riding, he was unable to pass Dudek. The race was won by Kacper Woryna.

The seventeenth race ended with the victory of Szymon Woźniak ahead of Grzegorz Zengota and Bartosz Zmarzlik. Piotr Pawlicki came fourth in this race.


1. Dominik Kubera (2,3,3,2,3) 13
2. Kacper Woryna (3,0,2,3,3) 11
3. Przemysław Pawlicki (3,3,3,1,0) 10
4. Szymon Woźniak (3,2,1,0,3) 9
5. Mateusz Cierniak (0,1,2,3,3) 9
6. Patryk Dudek (2,2,3,2,0) 9
7. Bartosz Zmarzlik (3,2,2,1,1) 9
8. Maciej Janowski (1,1,1,3,2) 8
9. Piotr Pawlicki (2,0,3,2,0) 7
10. Bartosz Smektała (0,3,1,1,2) 7
11. Bartłomiej Kowalski (1,3,2,0,1) 7
12. Jarosław Hampel (1,0,1,3,1) 6
13. Grzegorz Zengota (1,2,0,d,2) 5
14. Oskar Fajfer (2,1,0,1,0) 4
15. Wiktor Przyjemski (0,1,d,2,1) 4
16. Tobiasz Musielak (2) 2
17. Maksym Drabik (0,0,0) 0
18. Krzysztof Buczkowski (0) 0

Heat after heat:

1. Woźniak, Fajfer, Hampel, Drabik
2. Woryna, Pi.Pawlicki, Janowski, Przyjemski
3. Zmarzlik, Kubera, Kowalski, Cierniak
4. Prz.Pawlicki, Dudek, Zengota, Smektała
5. Prz.Pawlicki, Woźniak, Cierniak, Woryna
6. Smektała, Zmarzlik, Przyjemski, Hampel
7. Kowalski, Zengota, Janowski, Drabik
8. Kubera, Dudek, Fajfer, Pi.Pawlicki
9. Dudek, Kowalski, Woźniak, Przyjemski (d)
10. Kubera, Woryna, Hampel, Zengota
11. Pi.Pawlicki, Cierniak, Smektała, Drabik
12. Prz.Pawlicki, Zmarzlik, Janowski, Fajfer
13. Janowski, Kubera, Smektała, Woźniak
14. Hampel, Pi.Pawlicki, Prz.Pawlicki, Kowalski
15. Woryna, Dudek, Zmarzlik, Buczkowski
16. Cierniak, Przyjemski, Fajfer, Zengota (d)
17. Woźniak, Zengota, Zmarzlik, Pi.Pawlicki
18. Cierniak, Janowski, Hampel, Dudek
19. Kubera, Musielak, Przyjemski, Prz.Pawlicki
20. Woryna, Smektała, Kowalski, Fajfer

Foto: Tomasz Przybylski

Coffee cup

85,00 PLN

Hoodie Zmarzlik Team 2022

249,00 PLN

T-shirt Zmarzlik Team 2023

139,00 PLN

Mini Kevlar Gold 2022

499,00 PLN


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