Bartosz Zmarzlik - żużel, speedway
Published: 13.07.2024 | Author: Artur Kąciak

5th place in the 2024 FIM Speedway of Nations final

Poland was fifth in this year’s Speedway of Nations. Bartosz Zmarzlik scored eleven points and a bonus in Manchester.

In the third race, Poland defeated Latvia 6:3, with Zmarzlik triumphing ahead of Lebedev. Meanwhile, along the track, Kubera won the duel for third place with Kołodyński.

Race seven ended in a double defeat for our compatriots. This race was won by Fredrik Lindgren ahead of Jacob Thorssell. Bartek, despite a very ambitious ride, was unable to overtake any of his rivals. Dominik Kubera finished last.

Race eleven had to be repeated. According to the referee, Bartosz Zmarzlik was too impatient at the start. The Pole was excluded from the re-run, which was won by Kubera. Three points were scored by Bloedorn and two by Huckenbeck.

The thirteenth race was won 6:3 by the speedway riders from Great Britain. Four points were scored by Lambert. Kubera was second. Two points were won by Bewley. Bartek was a non-scorer this time.

In the sixteenth run, Polish riders defeated the duo from Denmark: Thomsen and Michelsen 7:2. Kubera made a great start and along the track Bartek won the duel with Thomsen for three points.

The twenty-first race unfortunately ended in defeat for our riders. Kubera was in the lead after the start, but ultimately dropped to fourth place. Bartek tried to get between the Australian speedway riders. Unfortunately, he was unable to do so. Holder triumphed ahead of Kurtz.


1. Great Britain: 35
1. Robert Lambert (4,4,3*,4,4,3*) 22+2
2. Daniel Bewley (0,0,4,2,3*,4) 13+1
3. Tom Brennan NS

2. Australia: 36
1. Jack Holder (2,4,3,3*,4,4) 20+1
2. Max Fricke
3. Brady Kurtz (3,2,2,4,2,3*) 16+1

3. Sweden: 27
1. Fredrik Lindgren (3,4,4,w,2,4) 17
2. Jacob Thorssell (0,3*,3*,2,0,2) 10+2
3. Oliver Berntzon NS

4. Germany: 26
1. Kai Huckenbeck (4,2,2,2,3,3) 16
2. Norick Bloedorn (3*,4,0,3,0,0) 10+1
3. Erik Riss

5. Poland: 24
1. Dominik Kubera (2,0,4,3,4,0) 13
2. Bartosz Zmarzlik (4,2,t,0,3*,2) 11+1
3. Patryk Dudek NS

6. Denmark: 21
1. Mikkel Michelsen (2,4,2,0,0) 8
2. Anders Thomsen (0,3,0,2) 5
3. Rasmus Jensen (2,3,3) 8

7. Latvia: 20
1. Andrzej Lebiediew (3,3,0,w,4,2) 12
2. Danił Kołodyński (0,4,2,0) 6
3. Jewgienij Kostygow (0,2) 2

Heat after heat:

1. Huckenbeck, Bloedorn, Jensen, Thomsen
2. Lambert, Kurtz, Holder, Bewley
3. Zmarzlik, Lebiediew, Kubera, Kołodyński
4. Bloedorn, Lindgren, Huckenbeck, Thorssell
5. Lambert, Thomsen, Michelsen, Bewley
6. Holder, Lebiediew, Kurtz, Kostygow
7. Lindgren, Thorssell, Zmarzlik, Kubera
8. Bewley, Lambert, Huckenbeck, Bloedorn
9. Michelsen, Holder, Kurtz, Thomsen
10. Lindgren, Thorssell, Kostygow, Lebiediew
11. Kubera, Bloedorn, Huckenbeck, Zmarzlik (t)
12. Kołodyński, Jensen, Michelesen, Lebiediew (w)
13. Lambert, Kubera, Bewley, Zmarzlik
14. Kurtz, Holder, Thorssell, Lindgren (w)
15. Lebiediew, Huckenbeck, Kołodyński, Bloedorn
16. Kubera, Zmarzlik, Thomsen, Michelsen
17. Lambert, Bewley, Lindgren, Thorssell
18. Holder, Huckenbeck, Kurtz, Bloedorn
19. Lindgren, Jensen, Thorssell, Michelsen
20. Bewley, Lambert, Lebiediew, Kołodyński
21. Holder, Kurtz, Zmarzlik, Kubera
22. Lindgren, Lambert, Bewley, Thorssell
23. Lambert, Bewley, Holder, Kurtz

Foto: Tomasz Przybylski

Coffee cup

85,00 PLN

Hoodie Zmarzlik Team 2022

249,00 PLN

T-shirt Zmarzlik Team 2023

139,00 PLN

Mini Kevlar Gold 2022

499,00 PLN


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