Bartosz Zmarzlik - żużel, speedway
Published: 18.05.2024 | Author: Artur Kąciak

2nd place in the TRANS MF FIM Speedway Grand Prix of Germany

Bartosz Zmarzlik took second place in the German Grand Prix. The Pole became the new leader of the overall classification of the SGP 2024 series.

The fourth heat had a very interesting course. After the start, Zmarzlik was fourth. On the second arc of the first lap, with little space, the Pole managed to get to the first place and scored three points. Martin Vaculik had an interesting long-distance duel with Tai Woffinden

for two points. The British rider ultimately turned out to be better. Kai Huckenbeck crossed the finishing line last.

At the beginning of heat five, Bartek was in the lead, but Woźniak overtook him. The competitors shuffled several times. Szymon Woźniak triumphed in this fight, and Zmarzlik was second. One point went to Jack Holder. Dominik Kubera finished last.

Bartek showed great reflexes in the twelfth race. The Pole started perfectly from the first place and, despite his best efforts, Jason Doyle was unable to overtake him. Lebedev was third. Kvech was the last on the finishing line.

Bartosz Zmarzlik lagged behind in race fourteen and he couldn’t do much afterwards. Lambert triumphed in this race ahead of Michelsen and Bartek. The last rider at the finishing line was Bewley.

The Pole won his last race in the regular round and won the regular tournament with twelve points.

In the first semi-final, Zmarzlik “escaped” his rivals practically right after the start and in a nice style secured his place in the grand final. Due to a motorcycle defect, Jason Doyle did not finish the race. Michelsen, however, defeated Madsen in the fight for second place.

The final ended with Mikkel Michelsen’s triumph. After a beautiful fight on the route, Bartosz Zmarzlik took second place, defeating Jack Holder. Kubera finished last.


1. Mikkel Michelsen (Dania) (0,3,3,2,2,2,3) 15
2. Bartosz Zmarzlik (Polska) (3,2,3,1,3,3,2) 17
3. Jack Holder (Australia (2,1,1,2,3,3,1) 13
4. Dominik Kubera (Polska) (2,0,3,3,3,2,0) 13
5. Robert Lambert (Wielka Brytania) (2,1,2,3,2,1) 11
6. Leon Madsen (Dania) (3,1,1,3,1,1) 10
7. Daniel Bewley (Wielka Brytania) (3,2,3,0,3,0) 11
8. Jason Doyle (Australia) (3,3,2,1,0,d) 9
9. Szymon Woźniak (Polska) (1,3,0,2,2) 8
10. Tai Woffinden (Wielka Brytania) (2,2,0,3,1) 8
11. Martin Vaculik (Słowacja) (1,3,2,1,1) 8
12. Kai Huckenbeck (Niemcy) (0,0,2,2,1) 5
13. Andrzej Lebiediew (Łotwa) (1,2,1,1,0) 5
14. Fredrik Lindgren (Szwecja) (1,0,1,0,2) 4
15. Norick Bloedorn (Niemcy) (0,1,0,0,0) 1
16. Jan Kvech (Czechy)(0,0,0,-,-) 0
17. Martin Smolinski (Niemcy) (0) 0
18. Erik Riss (Niemcy) (0) 0

Heat after heat:

1. Doyle, Lambert, Woźniak, Blodorn 
2. Bewley, Kubera, Lindgren, Kvech 
3. Madsen, Holder, Lebiediew, Michelsen 
4. Zmarzlik, Woffinden, Vaculik, Huckenbeck 
5. Woźniak, Zmarzlik, Holder, Kubera 
6. Vaculik, Lebiediew, Lambert, Lindgren 
7. Michelsen, Woffinden, Blodorn, Kvech 
8. Doyle, Bewley, Madsen, Huckenbeck 
9. Michelsen, Huckenbeck, Lindgren, Woźniak 
10. Kubera, Lambert, Madsen, Woffinden 
11. Bewley, Vaculik, Holder, Blodorn
12. Zmarzlik, Doyle, Lebiediew, Kvech 
13. Madsen, Woźniak, Vaculik, Smolinski 
14. Lambert, Michelsen, Zmarzlik, Bewley 
15. Kubera, Huckenbeck, Lebiediew, Blodorn 
16. Woffinden, Holder, Doyle, Lindgren 
17. Bewley, Woźniak, Woffinden, Lebiediew 
18. Holder, Lambert, Huckenbeck, Riss
19. Zmarzlik, Lindgren, Madsen, Blodorn 
20. Kubera, Michelsen, Vaculik, Doyle
21. Zmarzlik, Michelsen, Madsen, Doyle (d)
22. Holder, Kubera, Lambert, Bewley
23. Michelsen, Zmarzlik, Holder, Kubera

Foto: Tomasz Przybylski

Coffee cup

85,00 PLN

Hoodie Zmarzlik Team 2022

249,00 PLN

T-shirt Zmarzlik Team 2023

139,00 PLN

Mini Kevlar Gold 2022

499,00 PLN


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